In this section you can learn how the Mizar bot can help you to protect from rug-pulls

The Anti-rug protection will be applied to all your trades by default.

The Anti-rug protection is designed to proactively counteract potential malicious activities such as liquidity rugs, blacklisted functions, trade halts, tax hikes, and other actions that could harm your investments.

The Mizar bot scans the mem-pool and responds to suspicious transactions in real-time, aiming to sell your assets before any harmful transaction is confirmed, safeguarding your investment.

Mizar bot takes care of configuring your gas fees to front run the rug pull. The anti-rug protection feature will initiate the selling transaction only if it proves to be economically beneficial for you. In other words, the cost of gas fees that will occur (in $) must be lower than the value of the tokens you're selling after accounting for selling taxes (in $). If this criterion is not met, Mizar will refrain from taking action.

While this feature is effective in most cases, its success is not guaranteed due to various factors. Therefore, exercise caution when managing your investments and always do your own due diligence before buying any token.

Last updated