In this section your can learn how to copy-trade telegram calls from more than 600 Telegram channels and trading groups.
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In this section your can learn how to copy-trade telegram calls from more than 600 Telegram channels and trading groups.
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Mizar integrated more than 600 public Telegram channels and groups. Whenever a token is referenced in any of these chats, Mizar's Telegram Research engine detects it.
To set-up your Telegram copy-trading bot, go here.
Ensure you have sufficient funds to open new trades; otherwise, your bot will be automatically paused and signals will be ignored.
In this section you can configure the main bot settings.
Give a name to your bot.
This represents the maximum limit on the number of concurrent trades that the bot can open. For exampe, if you set this parameter at 10, the bot will be able to open up to 10 snipes at a single point in time. If 10 snipes are active, any additional calls will go unfulfilled. It's essential to ensure that your wallet maintains a sufficient balance to cover both the overall investment and associated gas fees.
In this section, you have the option to choose the Telegram Channels you wish to copy-trade. Simply click the '+' button and pick your preferred traders. Whenever these selected traders post a new signal or call, the bot will automatically execute a snipe.
These settings are the same as described in the snipe section here.
You have the option to include a cooldown period to prevent sniping the same token repeatedly after successfully sniping and taking profits. By default, if multiple traders you're copying call the same token, you'll snipe it just once. However, if you've previously sniped it, taken profit, or incurred a stop loss, and another trader calls the same token, you'll purchase it again. You can add a cooldown period during which you won't snipe the same token again, even if it's called by other traders.
Within this section, you have the option to apply additional filters to your calls, enabling sniping only when a particular call has received a minimum number of mentions from traders within the selected time frame. For instance, if you're copying 10 traders and you set the minimum number of calls to 3 within the last 24 hours, it implies that you will only execute a snipe if that token has collectively been mentioned by at least 3 of the selected traders in the past 24 hours. This filter acts as a precautionary measure and helps you to rely on a group of traders instead of a single one.