Become an affiliate and get rewarded

Become an affiliate and earn referral rewards not only from your direct referrals but also from their referrals (level 2). This means when you invite a new user using your referral code, and they go on to invite others, you’ll earn 5% of the fees paid by those secondary referrals. This gives you the potential to scale your referral network to a much larger audience.

To get started as an affiliate, simply apply by opening a support ticket in our Discord channel ( - #ask-for-support).

While there are no fixed criteria for acceptance, some key requirements include:

  • Having at least 25 active referrals.

  • Being part of a larger community that you can onboard.

  • Having experience in business development, or the ability to onboard influencers or KOLs using your referral code.

Join the program and start growing your network while earning rewards!

Last updated