In this section your can learn how to evaluate the performance of public bots before copying them.
When clicking on the INVEST button on any cards in the marketplace, you'll be redirected to the bot performance page. Here, you can get access to a wide range of statistics and indicators to help you taking the right decision before investing into a bot.
General Information
In the header, you'll find essential details about the bot, such as the traders' name and contact information, and the description of the bot. If it's a DCA bot, you can click on "Show Settings" to access the main settings, including take profit, the number of safety orders, and more.
By selecting the INVEST NOW button, you can invest in the bot (learn how to set up your investment here). The profit-sharing ratio is related to the performance fee applied to your monthly realized profits. Read more about it here.
Main Performance
In the main performance, you can visualize the main indicators of the bot, measured since the moment it has been started.
30D Returns: the realized returns withing the last 30 days. Read here to learn how it's calculated.
Total number of trades: the total number of trades executed since the start. The total number of trades includes open orders as well.
Win Trades: the total number of trades closed in profits, since the start.
Lose Trades: the total number of trades closed in loss, since the start.
Open Trades: the total number of trades that are currently open (eg. if you're LONG, when you buy $100 worth of BTC, then this position will be counted as open. Once sold, it'll be closed).
Avg. Holding Time: the average period in which a position has been kept open, since the start.
Trades per Week: the average number of trades per week, since the start.
Best Trade: the most profitable closed trade returns, since the start.
Worst Trade: the least profitable closed trade returns, since the start.
Avg. Trade: the average returns of closed trades, since the start.
Last Trade: the last time in which a trade has been opened.
Followers Performance
You can also have a look at the popularity and success of the bots from the followers point of view.
N. of Followers: the current number of active followers.
AUM: Assets Under Management. The current asset managed from the bot, calculated as the sum of all the Max Investment of each follower. Read here to learn more about Max Investment.
Cum. followers PnL: the profit and loss of all the followers since the bot has been started.
30D Best Followers: the 5 best followers in the past 30 days, sorted by their realized profit.
In the overview, you can check key performance indicators for the bot, with the option to filter statistics over various periods (1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months).
Monthly Returns: the monthly returns realized by the bot. Read here to know how this is calculated.
Positions Frequency chart: the number of trades opened within a timeframe in the selected period.
New Positions Opened: the total number of positions opened within the selected period.
New Positions Opened per Week: the average number of positions opened per week, within the selected period.
Trades Distribution Chart: illustrates how total trades are distributed across different pairs.
Trades Distribution Table: offers a detailed snapshot of the distribution of the four major traded pairs (ranked on traded volume). It includes indicators such as the number of hits (positions traded) and PnL Over Capital.
Holding Time Distribution Chart: illustrates the number of trades kept open for specific time periods. For instance, the chart shows that 42 positions were held open between 0 and 10 minutes.
Avg. Holding Time: represents the average duration positions were kept open.
Max holding Time: indicates the maximum duration a single position was held.
Risk Table: allows the visualization of the entry steps at which positions were closed. In this example, 542 positions (or 72.9% of the total) were closed at the first order. This metric assesses the effectiveness of the initial trading signal and measures how risk is managed if the price moves against the trader's assumptions.
Open Positions
Unrealized PnL: the PnL of the current open positions
Open Positions: the total number of open positions
Hanging Positions: the total number of open positions that are open for more than 30 days
Trades Distribution Chart: it shows how the total open trades are been distributed on different pairs
Trades Distribution Table: you can have a detailed snapshot of the distribution of the 4 major traded pairs (ranked on traded volume) with some indicators such as Holding Time and PnL Over Capital
Last 10 positions: an overview of the current 10 last open positions. Here you can have an overview of the current milestone (Base order or Safety Orders), the PnL, when the position has been opened, and when the last milestone has been reached
Closed Positions
The last 100 closed positions and their performance.
The marketplace stats are updated every 24 hours.
Last updated