In this section, you will learn the steps to create your exchange key and get ready to trade.
Mizar enables you to link with third-party exchanges like Binance or Coinbase using API keys. API keys empower Mizar to retrieve information such as your balance and open orders from the exchange, as well as execute commands like opening and closing orders.
Being non-custodial, Mizar ensures that your funds remain in your exchange account. Mizar only communicates with the exchange to execute commands on your behalf, following the configured bot settings and trading signals, and showing some statistics.
Mizar has implemented a robust security system that depends on whitelisted IPs. This ensures that only authorized individuals that are logged in with your Mizar account can access your keys and establish a connection with your exchange account.
All private keys are securely encrypted and stored within the Mizar database.
Safeguard your API keys and refrain from sharing them with others. Mizar will never request your API keys, except when connecting or updating your exchange keys on the Mizar platform. Always make sure that you're on when connecting or updating your exchange API keys.
Last updated